On Tuesday, August 25th, we will be kicking off our very first project, I Am Awesome, which will take place between the dates of 25 August to 15 September. During this Social Studies based project your child will discover more about themselves and who they are and how they relate to specific Native American groups.
The four C's will be focused on during this project, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. This project contains both individual and team assignments to be completed by students. We are very excited to see what your child creates.
The four C's will be focused on during this project, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. This project contains both individual and team assignments to be completed by students. We are very excited to see what your child creates.
In Math the classes will be focusing on multiplication and division using enVision Math. Your child was provided a workbook, so please be sure that they are keeping track of it. In English and Language Arts, there will be a review of nouns and an exploration of theme. There will be a quiz in ELA this upcoming Friday, August, 28th.
-The month of September is Attendance Awareness Month! Pontiac Attendance Awareness Flyer
-Please ensure that your child is reading 20 minutes each night and completing their Reading Response
Notebook (RRN).
-Remind your child that any work that is sent home in their red homework folder is very important and needs to be completed.
-4th grade will be going on a field study Tuesday, September 8th, to the Lexington County Museum to take part in the Native American Program that is offered. Please return permission slips as soon as you possibly can! Lexington County Museum: Native American Program Information
-Don't forget to follow us on Twitter to see what is happening in the PBL classrooms! PBL Twitter
~Loren Grimm and Ashley Saullo~
Pontiac Elementary:
"Where knowledge is nurtured
and character blooms."